Finally Sinclair went out and sat by the bird feeder, but off course that discourages the birds. I'm wondering if I put grease on the pole, if that shall discourage the dreaded American Grey Squirrel? They look just like rats don't they, just with bushy tails. Whoever bought the first lot over here because he thought they'd look good in his estate must be turning in his grave. These imports have decimated our native red squirrel who does far less damage to trees and plants. So much so there are very few of our own squirrel left.
Honestly, we don't like those darned squirrels here in America either!
ReplyDeleteI've heard that new strain is becoming even more of a problem than the grey ones! These ones are black!
ReplyDeleteRosemary K
We have more grays than brown/red now too. I did grease the pole for awhile, but it only slows them down. After a few tries the grease is gone and up they go.
ReplyDeleteYou need a squirrel baffle. It's a cylinder that fits on the pole under the feeder. It's long enough that they can't reach around it. They shimmy up the pole and into the cylinder, then slide down - cursing you all the way, I'm sure.
no matter how many holes we block up, we still have squirrels clog dancing in the attic from time to time. Unfortunately means that chewable items like motocycle seats have to live in the bedroom.....the joys of a biker household!
ReplyDeleteI think all you can do is make quilts of them and try to make them earn their keep. Nothing worse than smart vermin.
ReplyDeleteDon't let your nice cat anywhere near the tree rats, they are vicious little beasts. One of our cats got into a dreadful fight with one, which was terrifying to watch and only broken up by me with a long broom.
ReplyDeleteThey are a nasty lot! Bushy tail rodents is what I say!!
ReplyDeleteIs it against the law to shoot them? I know God's little creatures and all but they are pests! I find raccoons in my yard on occasion too!