Thursday, 11 June 2009

Stitching directions for feathers

Twin Track Method 2
This is my favourite method as there is hardly any back tracking (just a tiny bit along the spine between the lobes). If your feather has a double spine just go all the way round the spine first starting at the point where the first lobe touches the spine then when you have been all the way round, your needle will be in the right place to start stitching.
If your screen is small, click on each illustration to bring it up larger.
Another reason for liking this method best is the fabric is held down much more between each lobe of the feather and so the 'puff' is exaggerated a little.

I had hoped to publish 4 different methods all in one day but it takes longer than I thought.....
So there will be another one tomorrow and for a couple of days after. You can echo round the feather as many times as you like to make it stand out even more. Sorry the drawings are a little rough, I'm better at stitching than drawing.... (grin)
Twin Track Method 2


  1. Thanks for the pictures for this. I should print this out and plaster my studio with it.

    Looking forward to the next examples.
