1.There are several ways for me to go. I can use a publisher but in truth this doesn't appeal.
Or I can self publish.
2.If I go for regular quilt book size, I can get it printed either in small quantities but high cost or large quantities but I could get stuck with loads of them unsold.
3.Or I can use Amazon and they will print of demand with each order, no risk for me but I'd have to sell 1,000s to make it worth my time
4.Or I can print myself which won't look so professional, but will be cheaper for you.
5.Or I can print myself on double sized paper so I can get more on a page and not leave you with having to enlarge the feathers. This would require me to buy an oversize printer but they have come down in price drastically so the risk for me isn't huge. The price would be higher than for the regular sized book but not nearly as much as if it came from a publisher or if I got it printed. (This is my favourite option as the book would be ready for you to use).
If you were to buy it, which option would you prefer?
Rosie (formerly Millie, she had a name change very soon after she acquired a name) has just discovered the curser. It makes it very difficult to do anything on the computer.
She gets between the screen and the keyboard.

So funny.

ReplyDeleteI would prefer option 5 if it is going to be a a physical book. I would purchase even if it was a pdf ebook.
ReplyDeleteI hate trying to get something enlarged.
I have been printing and publishing my own series of books on Scottish History since 1996 and I produce mine on a4 with an inkjet then fold them and staple them. The quality is good if you buy the right paper. Meanwhile I would advise you to obtain an ISBN number if you want to publish yourself. If I were to start again I would go for option 5 for ease of customer use. regards Lyn
ReplyDeleteIs this a book with spesific projects in a spesific size that the customer will make? If so, I would go for the "large as life" alternative.
ReplyDeleteBut if it is a book with ideas of how to use feathers in your own quilts/projects, size would not matter. As a customer I would then prefer a cd with files to print the size I want, - in addition to a book on paper ;-)
I would choose No.5 Sally.
ReplyDeletePut me on the order list and even if it suits, a pdf would be fine.
Think about the option of offering a memory stick or dvd.
Have you looked at www.lulu.com?
ReplyDeleteGwen Marston just printed a book through them. It was available either as a real book or as a download
Sally, I think I agree with the pdf idea! That way we should be able to print the size we want with too much drama!
ReplyDeleteBest of luck with what ever you decide and put me on the list for a copy too! Itchinf to try feathers but too scared!
Sally in Hobart
ReplyDeleteI would go for A4 size with Mylar clear inserts so you can practice line drawing on top of your drawings.
"There are several ways for me to go. I can use a publisher but in truth this doesn't appeal."
ReplyDeleteWhy not?
By far the best option if you can pull it off and with your reputation I do not see why you would not be able to do so.
You can always start with the do-it-yourself version. It allows you to fine tune the book at minimal cost. If the book is successful you will probably want to go one of the other routes because do-it-yourself gets old very fast.
ReplyDeleteIf you do self-publish make sure you retain the rights to your work.
I love seeing the pictures of your kittens - we're catless at the moment.
I would prefer option 5 or self-published on a CD or DVD that we can read or print from
ReplyDeleteI do tend to prefer a professional looking and bound book and am prepared to pay the extra. However, if costs are prohibitive, Option 5 sounds good.
ReplyDeleteI have a set of self-published quilt design books. They were extremely over-priced at $50 (for a set of 3 small spiral-bound books) to order and I really agonized about purchasing them for several weeks and ultimately decided they contained good information.
ReplyDeleteHowever, this example illustrates the only exception to my "rule." I usually like my quilt books pretty and glossy so they are a inspiration just to hold, they suck me in and want to try things inside.
I'm sure if the author of the small quilt design books had had them done professionally she would have more buyers because they would be less expensive and they would look better. I think the thing about a professionally done book is a wider distribution and a glossier look.
You could also go the Carol Doak route and put a CD of full-sized patterns in the back of your book. I'd pay $20 for your book, $25 with a CD.
Furthermore, Amazon would be good if us Yanks can buy it without shipping from the UK.
Do you want to be spending a lot of time doing the graphics layout, printing, promoting and selling a book etc., or do you want to still have time to work on quilting? If you don't have someone who is going to do the design, selling, marketing etc. for you, it will (potentially) eat into your quilting time considerably. Working with a publisher you still have a lot of control over your work, should get a better quality book for the sale price and could do the book & CD option, which would satisfy most buyers it would seem - both those who want it as a book and the patterns in a printable format. I wouldn't be able to cope with selling (especially mail order) and even warehousing the volume of my books that are sold - I would have no time left to develope new stuff. It would only work with a smaller book where I anticipate lower sales (like my kimono booklets), otherwise I just couldn't keep up with the admin. What does Ferret think/advise? After all, she's just done the self publishing route.