Friday, 18 March 2011

Quilters, we can do this. Please note: Send date has been edited!


Naomi Ichikawa, editor of Patchwork Quilt Tsushin Magazine is asking for comfort quilts to be sent to Japan. She says:

It is still bad situation now in Japan.
We are still nervous about shaking and radiation,but no way to escape.

I start to announce to the quilters to send us comfort quilts for the
people who are suffered.I would like to do it to the world quilters.
We will deliver the comfort quilts to the people who are very difficult
situation.Could you please help to announce it to the quilters in your country?

We accept any size of quilts(baby to adult).new or unused.
The deadline would be the end of May or later.

★Send the quilts to:

(after the end of May)
Naomi Ichikawa
Patchwork Tsushin Co.,Ltd
2-21-2,Yushima,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo,Japan zip:113-0034

I will appreciate if you help me.



  1. Thank you for the address, I've copied it for future use.

    Does this mean SEND after the beginning of May? or to arrive by then? I have a couple of quilts I could send now, and I could make some more by then, using quilt as you go straight onto fleece (I've just made 3 like that, fairly quickly, but they're all spoken for.

  2. Isn't this great. Something practical we can all do which will make a real difference.
